
A Commitment To Private Practice In Renal Medicine


We offer you an appointment within one month of your referral

What do we do?

Seek excellence in the practice of Renal Medicine, with the full range of diagnostic and therapeutic services.

The Calvary John James Private Hospital provides  Diagnostic, Managemant and Ward facilities.

The Yorke Dialysis Unit provides the most modern private haemodialysis favilities in the hospital precinct!

How do we do it?

  • By Practicing  Evidenced Based Internal Medicine

The foundation for good medical practice is, the scientific evidence that the treatments actually work.

Sources of evidence are summarised in the CARI (Caring for Australians with Renal Impairment) guidelines, which are published and available to you on the internet.

  • By Practicing the Art of Internal Medicine

Practicing Internal Medicine solely on an evidenced based approach, is but a part of patient care.

Respecting a patient’s wishes or opinions (autonomy), doing no harm, and seeking only to use treatments that give rise to better health and quality of life, and mixing that with a substantial dose of experience, compassion and common sense, is what the Art of Medicine is all about.

  • By Publishing our Statistics

The Australian statistics for the outcomes of patients on dialysis and transplantation,  have not changed a great deal over the many years.  Nonetheless they are world class!

The Practice focuses much on quality of life rather than formulaic treatment, and in as much as ethical medical practice allows, gives effect to patient wishes.

We publish our own statistics for you to judge and compare with the national statistics (ANZDATA).

  • By Pragmatically Dealing with Death

It is important a patient is informed of their treatment particularly if it is becoming futile. We do not “stand in the way” of a patient who wishes to withdraw from medical treatment.

We Consult

There is a large personnel of doctors, nurses and paramedical staff  that the Practice draws on to give effect to medical practice.

We are Speedy and Efficient

We accelerate appointments with other medical or paramedical personnel,  minimising the down time and waiting for tests.

For those patients who are candidates for transplantation, we  accelerate their routine tests to access the cadaveric transplant list or give effect to live kidney donation, if they have a relative or altruistic person willing to donate a kidney.

Moving “The System” to make it work takes up a lot of our time.

We Communicate

We expeditiously publish letters and reports to referring doctors.

We have an appointment system that has a high degree of certainty communication and a formidable flow of patients is maintained.

Medico Legal Advice

Through your lawyer you may access medico legal advice in litigation involving Nephrology in any Australian Jurisdiction.

Making the “System” work.