The usual tests are:
Tissue Typing and Blood group
- Blood group
- Stage one
- Stage two
- Final
Blood Tests
RUP/LFT, FBC, Coags, Lipid Profile (fasting), HbA1c, CKP, CRP, PSA (f-PSA), B-HCG, OGTT.
HIV, Hep B (Ab/Ag), Hep C, CMV (IgG), EBV (IgG), VZ (IgG), Syphillis, ACA, Lupus Anticoagulant.
MSU, 24 hr urine (Cr/Urea/Prot/Ca), Protein/Creat Ratio
Renal U/S, CXR, Echo/ECG, Exercise Stress Test or Myoview Scan, DTPA GFR Scan, CT Renal Angiography
Personnel that you will need to see:
- Psychiatrist
- Renal Physician
- Social Worker
- Transplant Surgeon and Physician